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Two Cloud Ranch

The Nandan yellow cattle raised in the ranch, one of the three famous cattle breeds in Guangxi, and have been farmed in Nandan for thousands of years. They are a Chinese geographical indication agricultural product, which have been included in the List of Cattle Breed Resources Protection by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the People' s Republic of China.. Here you can experience close contact with the famous Guangxi cattle and the nomadic life while you feed them yourself.

The vast meadow is undulating, the cattle appearing from time to time in pairs leisurely devour the grass, and the high mountains and white clouds accompany and mirror each other. In the sunshine, the cattle enjoy the leisurely time gifted by nature. In such fantastic scenery, people stand on the observation deck of the ranch to view the sky, or sit idly, watching the mountains, or pick a handful of grass through the fence to feed the cows. Everything is filled with the poetry of nature and wilderness, allowing people to relax and engage in endless their imagination.

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